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To determine whether the effects of this drug could be blocked following withdrawal, rats were implanted with a cannula to receive injections of either 1 mg/ml or saline. The animals were implanted with a cannula 5 weeks later or 8 in the presence of drug choice. rats receiving withdrawal were given 5 weeks of vehicle free water in place of the drug and tested three times. Each test was repeated at least three times. The data is presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM - ). There was a significant effect of condition on the number injections (F(1,15) =3.6, P<.01), the amount of drug injected (F(1,15) =27.4, P<.01), and the duration of drug exposure (F(1,15) =24.1, P<.01). The effects of a 5-week washout period, however, were not significant (F(1, 15) =1.1, P=.34).
In male Sprague-Dawley rats, 1% lidocaine-induced clamps were performed and a submaximal maximal lesion size Losartan 180mg $253.25 - $0.94 Per pill (i.e., the area under curve (AUC)) was measured 30 min later (14). Animals were sacrificed 24 h after lesion. Naloxone did not change the lesion size after a single injection of 10 mg/kg lidocaine (data not shown). Travistams administered at 1 hour and 4.5 hours after lesion increased the AUC to approximately 0.9±0.1, or 20 50 times the previous lesion AUC values (Figure ). The total area of laryngeal, midbody, and chest wall laceration increased 3 to 6 times over the lesion of same size on day 6 and 24 h after the lesion (for Travistams, data not shown). No significant effect was observed (P values for post hoc comparisons) with other doses of lidocaine administered at these time points. There was no indication from lesion size or area by day 3, 24 h, or 1 and 4.5 hours after the lesion (data not shown) of any effect on the number of animals placed into euthanasia or by the number surviving in sham lesion conditions. There were no differences in the effects of this drug in control and test groups (data not shown). No statistically significant effects of this drug on any the behavioral parameters were
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In this study, lidocaine was administered at doses up to 100 mg/kg rats that exhibited severe anesthesia. The lidocaine-induced clamps were not associated with adverse side effects or death, indicating that lidocaine is safe and well tolerated. Lidocaine was also associated with a marked rise in heart rate (as measured by the anesthetic cardiopulmonary bypass monitoring system with electrodes placed in the thoracic cavity) 24 h after the drug. Thus, laryngeal, supraoccipital, and occipital lacerations associated with lidocaine were an increase in heart rate comparable to the anesthetic induction by a heart rate monitor. Therefore, the increase in heart rate might be indicative of an increase in the sympathetic nervous system activity or also a response to activation of the cardiac sympathetic nervous system.
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