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The comment was part of a conversation between one man and his friends — it is now coming under fire after an inquest in Western Australia.
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Kamagra is a drug that increases levels of serotonin, which can enhance sexual desire, and its side-effects include severe mood swings and a fast heartbeat.
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The inquest into Daniel Vavrek's death in June, where he had been taking the medicine for three months, heard the man had told friends his libido went from being "mixed to almost nonexistent".
'It was a lie'
However, the inquest also heard Mr Vavrek had told his doctor about the drug, telling him "it would probably make sex more intense".
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"I would sit beside my mate and look at each other think how much better it must be for both of us."
While police said there was little further forensic evidence to prove the two men's claims, Mr Vavrek's family wanted to mak